Work out on your schedule with 24/7 fitness access to the Y.

How To Participate

Now you can work out at anytime.  24 Hour Access is now open to YMCA members who are at least 18 years old in good membership standing (including having a photo on file), who have completed a 24 Hour Access Agreement at the YMCA Welcome Center, and who have signed up for the added fee. Once registered members use their existing YMCA key tag or bar code for entry during unstaffed hours.

What’s Open

For safety and security, only wellness equipment rooms (both cardio & strength) and bathrooms are open during 24 Hour Access. After normal business hours, there is no staff on duty. We encourage you to work out safely, with a partner and know that you are using the facility at your own risk.

Zero Tolerance Policy

The YMCA has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for 24 Hour Access membership privileges. Violators of guidelines, policies, and procedures for 24 Hour Access or the YMCA Member Code of Conduct are subject to permeant membership termination. This includes letting in guests or other members.

24 Hour Access Guidelines

  • All YMCA General Code of Conduct rules apply during 24 Hour Access.
  • Only cardio and strength equipment amenities are available during 24 Hour Access.
  • The purpose of 24 Hour Access is to support the physical fitness of members. As a result, loitering is not permitted and a 2 hour maximum is allowed for use. 
  • Use of the facility outside of staffed hours of operation is for Channel Islands YMCA members only. Members must be at least 18 years of age, have purchased the 24 Hour Access Add-On, have a current Liability Waiver on file, have a clear photo on file, and are current on their membership dues to have access. 
  • Additional persons, including family members cannot use your 24 Hour Access, even if you are present. Camera recordings will be reviewed on a daily basis and anyone caught bringing guests in after regular business hours will have their YMCA membership terminated.
  • Entry and exit from the YMCA during 24 Hour Access is through the main entrance using your membership card. Entry and exit must happen one person at a time, do not hold the door open for anyone. Ensure the door fully closes before you scan and open it.
  • For safety no bags, purses, or bulky items (i.e. oversized coats) are allowed.
  • The YMCA has 24 hour video recording for security purposes. It will be reviewed on a daily basis to address any security concerns. This does not mean that staffing assistance for an after hours emergency will be available.
  • Emergency Alert monitors are available for use and have a direct connection to 911. Misuse or theft of monitors will result in termination. In the event of an emergency, you can also dial 911 from the phone at the front desk.
  • If there is a loss of power to the building or another on-site emergency occurs, please immediately exit. If the Y loses power after normal operating hours, access will not be available.
  • The YMCA reserves the right to close 24 Hour Access as the situation warrants.

Questions? Call the YMCA at (805) 484-0423 or email us at


Membership rates

Branch info

Code of Conduct

Código de Conducta

24 Hour Access Agreement

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